Australian Register of Homoeopaths Ltd

Homeopathy Workforce Survey Research 

The Homeopathy Workforce Survey research is being conducted by the research collaboration between The Aurum Project and the Australian Register of Homoeopaths (ARoH). 

Current status:

The project team, comprising members from both ARoH and The Aurum Project, have completed a background document (see published article below).

The ethics application has been submitted to the National Institute of Integrative Medicine Ethics Committee and granted approval: NIIM HREC Reference No.: 0138E_2024

A letter to the Editor (Similia) has been published June 2024, see article below


Survey Information:

To download a copy of the Participant Information Statement, please click here

What is the research about? 

The main purpose of the workforce survey for homeopaths is to uniquely identify the nature of their practice and build a database that allows the profession to identify workforce planning and education opportunities to support its professionals.  While previous Natural therapies surveys have included homeopathy, there is no specific survey dedicated to assessing the potential needs of the profession based on the current and future intentions of its workforce. The survey includes questions such as those on demographics (i.e., age, gender), homeopathic and non homeopathic education, the hours worked as a professional homeopath as well as in other fields, and your intentions in regards to future professional activity. The workforce survey questions are modelled on the national workforce survey questions for allied health professions to align the profession to other allied health professional activity.

Similia June 2024 Published Letter to the Editor

To read the letter to the Editor, published in the June edition of Similia, please click here

AHMC Poster Presentation 2023

Similia December 2023 Published Article

The research proposal was published in Similia, December 2023, to download a copy of the article and read further  details on the Workforce Survey Project, please click here

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